
التدريسي عبدالله سالم الكروي

عدد زيارات البروفايل (928)   


تحميل تاريخ رفع المحاضرة نوع الملف المرحلة القسم الكلية اسم المحاضرة ت
2023/05/31 pdf 1 قسم علوم الحياة كلية العلوم E. Coli 1

السيرة الذاتية

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
علمية اخرى 2023-06-22 JournalNX-A Multidisciplinary Peer ReviewedJournal م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر THE ENVIRONMENTAL REALITY OF DESERTIFICATION IN IRAQ / 2022: A REVIEW ARTICLE 1
علمية اخرى 2023-06-21 Global Scientific Review م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Natural Reserves and Sustainable Development of AL- Tayeb Reserve / South Iraq: A Review Article 2
علمية اخرى 2023-07-20 The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر REVERSED PHASE HPLC DETERMINATION OF TOTAL HOMOCYSTEINE, CYSTEINE, CYSTEINYL GLYCINE, GLUTATHIONE IN PLASMA OF EPILEPTIC PATIENTS 3
علمية اخرى 2023-07-25 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIO-MEDICAL SCIENCE م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Immunological Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Failure: A Systematic Review 4
علمية اخرى 2023-09-06 American Journal of Bioscience and Bioinformatics م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Insights into the Pathogenesis, Virulence Factors, and Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori: A Comprehensive Review 5
Science 2023-07-29 African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS) م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Immunological Insights into Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comprehensive Review of Diagnosis and Assessment Approaches 6
Scopus 2023-07-07 international journal of chemical and biochemical sciences م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر An Evaluation of Laboratory Tests for COVID-19 Infection in Patients Residing in the Baghdad - Iraq 7
Scopus 2023-07-07 Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر The Relationship between Renal Impairment and Specific Laboratory Markers: A Comprehensive Investigation Focusing on Athletes. 8
مجلة محلية 2023-07-22 Al-Salam Journal for Medical Science م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر The Immunological Significance of Medicinal Plants in Disease Control and Prevention in Humans 9
مجلة محلية 2023-07-01 Al-Salam Journal for Medical Science م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Correlation between H. pylori infection and serum levels of inflammatory markers: A retrospective study 10
scopus 2022-04 bulletin of national institute of health sciences م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Latent and reactivation Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause severe fetal sequelae despite pre-conceptional immunity 11
scopus 2022-04 International Journal of Health Sciences م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Prevalence of COVID-19 virus infection in asymptomatic volunteers in Baghdad city/Iraq during 2021 12
scopus 2022-05 bulletin of national institute of health sciences م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Epidemiology of thalassemia in Baghdad, Iraq: A Single Center Experience 13
scopus 2023-02 Hiv nursing م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Causal Relationship Between Rubella Virus Infections and Bad Obstetric History in Pregnant Women 14
scopus 2023-03 Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology م.م . عبدالله سالم شاكر Assessment of selected biochemical and immunological parameters after treatment by Cosmetic Procedures 15

المحاضرات الفيديوية