م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله

كلية العلوم - قسم الحاسوب

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
other_w 2021-01 Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Effective Phishing Emails Detection Method 1
scopus 2022-01 Webology م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Detection COVID-19 of CT-Scan Image for Hospitalized Iraqi Patients based on Deep Learning 2
scopus 2021-08 NeuroQuantology م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Nanotechnology and the Most Important Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterial's: A Review 3
scopus 2023-03 IEEE Xplore م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله A Safe Distance Monitoring System with an Ultrasonic Range Detector Sensor 4
scopus 2021-05 Intelligent Systems and Networks م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله RESTful API Design for a Real-Time Weather Reporting System 5
scopus 2020-06 Solid State Technology م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله CT&PET Medical Image Fusion Techniques Based On Statistical Criteria 6
scopus 2021-05 NeuroQuantology م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Green Synthesis of MgO NPs by Olea Europeae Leaves Extract from Bulk MgO and Study Physical Properties 7
scopus 2020-01 Solid State Technology م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Arduino & IoT Based Health Surveillance Systems: A Review 8
scopus 2021-01 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Live to learn: learning rules-based artificial neural network 9
scopus 2021-03 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Secure and smart system for monitoring patients with critical 10
local 2019-09 AL-MANSOUR JOURNAL م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Cybersecurity Risks Detection and Prevention 11
scopus 2019-09 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences م . حنان عبد الولي عبد الله Detection and Prevention SQL Injection using MCA Technique 12