أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين

كلية الطب - فرع الجراحة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
scopus 2022-10 Azerbaijan Medical Journal أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Bilateral Hearing Loss After Infection With Covid-19 1
local 2003-07 Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Ototoxicity of Ototopically Used Aminoglycosides in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media 2
local 2004-01 Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Deafness in Patients Referred For Hearing Aids 3
local 2005-04 Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين The Use of Fiberoptic Nasoendoscopy in Adenoid Surgery 4
local 2005-07 Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Foreign body and Osteoma of the external auditory canal. Case Report 5
local 2006-04 Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين The Relation between Otomycosis and Retracted Tympanic Membrane 6
local 2015-09 The 2nd Medical City Symposium in Otolaryngology Advances أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Adenoma of The Middle Ear, The Challenge in Diagnosis and Case Report 7
local 2015-01 Mustansiriya Medical Journal أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Minimal invasive nasal valve repair comparison with other surgical methods in treatment of nasal valve obstruction 8
other_w 2017-08 Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Surgical Ultrasound Reduction of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy 9
local 2012-10 The Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Videolaryngoscopy By Using 70 degree 4 mm rigid sinuscope in comparison with flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy 10
local 2012-01 The Iraqi Journal of Community Medicine أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Adenoid enlargement, Assessment by Plain X-ray and nasoendoscopy 11
scopus 2021-12 Journal Of Pakistan Medical Association أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Reliability of the otoscopic tympanic membrane findings in the diagnosis of middle ear effusion 12
scopus 2020-08 Onkologia i Radioterapia أ.د . ايهاب طه ياسين Detection of methylated gene (p16) in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using conventional PCR 13