أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم

كلية التربية الاساسية - قسم التربية البدنية و علوم الرياضة

البحوث الرصينة

رابط البحث قاعدة البيانات تاريخ النشر اسم المجلة اسم الباحث عنوان البحث ت
local 2020-06 مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم اثر متغير الطول في بعض المتغيرات البايوكينماتيكية المرتبطة بدقة التهديفالسلمي بكرة السلة 1
scopus 2019-09 journal of human sport and exercise أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم Some Biomechanical Indicators for Upgrading as a Function to Evaluate the Performance Level of Field and Field Players for Long Jump Effectiveness 2
local 2017-12 Intelligence Research أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم The effect of a program for correcting errors using kinetic analysis to learn the loco motor performance of the peaceful basketball goal for young people 3
other_w 2017-10 Bbbylom journal أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم Development of walking dynamics according to some epidemiological indicators in kindergartens at the age of (4-5) years 4
local 2018-10 kerbala college of physical education a sport science أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم The effect of using some biomechanical kinetic analysis programs in skilled exercises in the development of the skills of scoring by jumping and free throw basketball 5
science 2016-06 Halwan of sport أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم The relationship of weight torque to some biochemical variables, electrolytic muscle activity and remote scoring accuracy of the basketball 6
local 2017-08 basic education college أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم The impact of speed vehicle development on some of the biomechanical properties of the turbid and peaceful exercise of young basketball players 7
science 2017-06 physical education of sport أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم pummel their relationship by force of arm muscles for basketball players 8
science 2017-03 Anbar أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم Compared to some of the variables Albiommechanica performance motor for my skills scoring jump of the Stability and spinning basketball study 9
local 2017-09-25 Journal of the Faculty of Basic Education أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم Building a scale for the management of work pressures for physical education teachers 10
local 2017-09-25 Journal of the Faculty of Basic Education أ.د . معتز خليل ابراهيم The reluctance of some high school students to participate in some extra-curricular sports activities and methods of treatment from the point of view of students 11