أ.د . زينب احمد القيسي

كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة الطرق والنقل


In some ways, being a college professor is spending life in teaching students. And keep educating myself long after completing the Ph.D. in 2006. My students also will need guidance to digest material that can be very difficult to understand. It is important that keep my research, my students’ submissions, and my notes organized. Spend hours building my own databases of sensitive information so that I can effectively guide my students and my own personal research

أعزائي الطلبة
ثابروا وإستمروا على طريق العلم والتقدم
ولا تتوقفوا عن الإيمان بذاتكم
ثابروا وإلى الأمام يرعاكم الله