University News

course of  teaching  methods at faculty of education

Faculty of Physical Education teaching philosophy of crying in human

 Mustansiriya discusses  the draft law of political parties

Mustansiriya signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Missouri

Mustansiriya held a lecture using video conference technology

Basic Education discussed ways to strengthen the human energy

Mustansiriya University president  visit College of Physical Education Directorate of Physical Education announces dates tournaments Mustansiriya University for the year 2012-2013

Mustansiriya University President Praises urban movement in the Faculty of Management and Economics

Dr. Rahim Tahir al-Saadi visits residential halls

College of Education, University of Mustansiriya held a festival of poetry and music

University President inaugurates seminar reconstruction and maintenance of public money

college of Dentistry at the University of Mustansiriya held its third scientific symposium 

Mustansiriya announces accept 811 students in the graduate
the Faculty of Physical Education / University of Mustansiriya held

Lecture in title (correspondences in administrative   bookelinguistically)

Mustansiriya University determine sports curriculum for the current academic year

Mustansiriya University in the  second place  in the overall standings for Iraqi universities Championships for 2012